2011 Fan Projection Ballots Now Open!

The 2011 Fan Projections ballots are now open for you to project your favorite players!

Last year we ran the first annual Fan Projection ballot here on FanGraphs and you responded with over 50,000 ballots to make the project a huge success! According to Tangotiger’s Forecaster Challenge you collectively ranked 10th out of 21 overall. Not a bad showing for the first time around.

Here’s a quick look at the projection ballot:

Before you can project any players, you’ll have to select the team you follow most closely towards the top of the screen. If you really don’t follow a team, just pick one. You’ll only have to do this once.

After you’ve selected a team, there are 9 categories for pitchers and 10 categories for position players. Pick the values in the drop-down boxes closest to what you think the player will do in 2010, hit the submit button and you’re done! If you made a mistake, you can always go back and change your selection at any time.

Please note that everything this year is a rate stat. You’re projecting 2B+3B, HR, SB, and Fielding as a measure of 150 games (basically a full season). The player’s previous stats are shown per 150 games in the projection ballot too. This will make changing playing time projections much easier as you’ll only have to change the games played portion.

That’s really all there is to it. You can filter players by team, or if you go to the player pages, you can project players individually. If you want to see all the players you’ve projected, you can click on the “My Rankings” button which will show you only what you specifically projected a player to do.

Fan Projections will show up on the player pages after there have been 15 ballots submitted.

If you do notice any issues, please let us know.

David Appelman is the creator of FanGraphs.

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Matt Zakrowski
13 years ago

Small request, but would it be possible to see what the BABIPs are based on our projections. I’d like to have that to double check that I’m not over/under estimating player’s batting averages.