Community Blog – Guidelines
I’d like to share some additional information about the Community Blog approval process. We will be selecting on a daily basis the ones we consider the best to appear in the blog.
The approval process can take up to 48 hours and we will probably not be looking at posts on the weekend. If your post is approved it will then appear in the Community Blog. We may feature exceptionally high quality posts on the homepage.
Below are some of the criteria we will use to decide whether we believe the post will be informative and/or entertaining to our readers.
1. The article is well written and well constructed, with minimal spelling/grammatical errors.
2. There is a clear and interesting point to the article.
3. The article is original and if the article contains stats based analysis, the use of stats is creative and relevant to the point you’re trying to make.
4. The article is factually correct and does not blatantly misuse baseball statistics.
5. All articles submissions should be at least 250 words.
We really appreciate the time and effort that goes into all submissions and if your article is not published and you would like additional information, you can contact us at where we will give you feedback on why your post was not accepted.
David Appelman is the creator of FanGraphs.
I’m really looking forward to reading these.