FanGraphs Audio: Dave Cameron Plumbs Myriad Depths

Episode 421
Dave Cameron is both (a) the managing editor of FanGraphs and (b) the guest on this particular edition of FanGraphs Audio — during which edition he provides expert answers to unexpected questions, as if it were nothing.

Don’t hesitate to direct pod-related correspondence to @cistulli on Twitter.

You can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or other feeder things.

Audio after the jump. (Approximately 39 min play time.)

Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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John Choiniere
10 years ago

PRP treatment is the re-injection of the liquid part of blood containing an enriched amount of platelets and other components, which might/does promote healing; the doping associated with cycling is generally the re-injection of concentrated red blood cells, which allows the blood to carry extra oxygen (improving endurance).