FanGraphs San Francisco Meetup
We’d like to meet you. In person. You know, get to know more about you and what makes you tick. What makes you smile, what numbers to dial.
So we’ve put together a low-key meetup for our friends in the Bay Area.
On Tuesday September 6th, around five pacific time, we’ll gather at the Gordon Biersch Brewery near the ballpark in San Francisco. Our friends at GB will be providing free appetizers, drink specials, and a private space for our nerdly conversations about baseball. We’ll have Stephen Strasburg’s debut on a television or two, at least until the Giants start their game against the Rockies. (In fact, if you want to come early, I’ll be at the bar for the beginning of that Nationals game.)
Attending the meetup will be the following studly dorks:
Grant Brisbee, proprietor of McCovey Chronicles and SBNation writer extraordinaire
Carson Cistulli, NotGraphs destroyer and FanGraphs poet-laureate
Patrick Newman, FanGraphs cameo provider and proprietor of
Eric Freeman, Ball Don’t Lie writer, founding member of The Classical and Giants fan
Eno Sarris, tender lover of beers, sandwiches and FanGraphs
Howard Bender, RotoGraphs writer and founder or SF Giants Report
Oh, and a message from Monsieur Cistulli: if someone is willing to house him for any period of time starting Sunday and ending Wednesday, he’s got a nice bottle of prosecco with your name on it. Get all the Cistulli you could want!
With a phone full of pictures of pitchers' fingers, strange beers, and his two toddler sons, Eno Sarris can be found at the ballpark or a brewery most days. Read him here, writing about the A's or Giants at The Athletic, or about beer at October. Follow him on Twitter @enosarris if you can handle the sandwiches and inanity.
Not too far off of my commute line; I may stop in.