The Andrelton Simmons Ridiculous Play Batsignal
activate the andrelton simmons ridiculous play batsignal
— pete beatty (@petebeatty) April 11, 2015
Like all of us, Pete Beatty is a writer/editor formerly born — and now currently living — in Cleveland who’s also had an entire career (whilst living in New York City) in the publishing industry. What else Pete Beatty is, is someone who has the People’s Interests at heart — and one of those manifest Interests is consuming as many of Andrelton Simmons‘ feats of athleticism as possible before both Simmons and all the rest of us are dead together.
To that end, Beatty has sounded tonight — after witnessing the Atlanta shortstop getting intimate with the Impossible — Beatty has sounded the Andrelton Simmons Ridiculous Play Batsignal. Further to that end, the current author has rendered Simmons’ exploits into animated GIF form, which GIFs one can find below.
Here, for example, in something not unlike “real time”:
And here, from the perspective of someone sitting in left field:
And finally here, from the perspective of someone with better seats than the previous person:
Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.
Not a bad play by Freeman, either. But yes, a great play by Simmons.
Yeah first thing I thought of was “what a stretch by Freeman” I guess I’m just desensitized to great plays by Simmons?