Fans Scouting Report: Ballots Needed!

We are currently seeking additional ballots for a handful of teams for the Fans Scouting Report.

If you follow the Royals, Twins, Rangers, Diamondbacks, Marlins, Pirates or Padres it would be a great help if you took a short amount of time to fill out a ballot.

We could also use ballots for the Orioles, Mets, Rockies, Brewers, White Sox and Dodgers, but these are in a little bit less of dire need.

The compiled results of these ballots end up on the player pages and the leaderboards.

In addition, if you have filled out a valid ballot (at any time this year, ballots before today included), we are going to be randomly selecting 20 users for a free year of FanGraphs Ad Free Membership! These 20 members will be selected when the ballot closes. If you are selected and already have an Ad Free Membership, your membership will be extended for 12 months.

Thank you for your help!

David Appelman is the creator of FanGraphs.

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tmcgowanMember since 2024
6 years ago

I wonder if this is common as to the number of fangraphs fans of each team. Seeing the Marlins, Pirates, and Royals makes me wonder if they have an issue every year to get to a sufficiently large sample size of ‘N’. Do we have stats of the number of active fangraphs members who has a favorite team? I’d bet that distribution is also telling.